Your legs contain a series of superficial, deep, and perforating veins that work together to usher deoxygenated blood from your toes to your heart. Each vein has a distinct duty in this process, and any disruption can cause the blood to stall, pool, or flow backward. This backup can lead to vein damage and serious issues like edema, blood clots, or venous ulcers. Understanding leg vein anatomy is crucial in treating these conditions and preventing further complications.
Overview of the Leg Vein System
During physical activities like walking or riding a bike, the muscles in your legs contract, squeezing the veins inside. This pressure causes blood to move from tiny veins in the toes to more prominent veins throughout the leg before reaching its final destination - the heart. Although these veins twist around various structures in the leg, as a whole, they resemble an upside-down tree.
The Upside-Down Tree Analogy
The veins in each leg resemble an upside-down tree, with the trunk at the top dividing into various branches. Blood flows upward from the tiny branches, known as superficial venous capillaries, into larger veins that transport the blood toward the heart. These veins are categorized as superficial and deep.
Deep vs. Superficial Veins
The deep vein system is found within the leg muscles and connects to the body's most prominent vein, the vena cava, which transports blood directly to the heart. In contrast, superficial veins are in the fat layer between the leg muscles and the skin. These superficial veins drain blood into the deep veins at various points throughout the leg.

Deep Veins of the Leg
The leg has deep veins that drain blood from superficial veins to the heart. They include the femoral, popliteal, peroneal, and tibial veins.
Femoral Vein
The length of a femoral vein depends on a person's height and spans from the knee to the groin, but the diameter of the vein is about 6-11 mm. Its main task is to usher deoxygenated blood from the lower leg to the heart.
Popliteal Vein
The popliteal vein is a deep vein, located behind the knee and is connected to the femoral vein. Its primary function is to drain blood from superficial veins and deep veins that are located below it. .
Tibial Veins (Anterior and Posterior)
The tibial veins - anterior and posterior - move blood from the lower leg to the popliteal vein. The anterior tibial veins are located in front of the leg, where they take blood from the dorsal venous arch at the back of the foot, the ankle, knee, and tibiofibular joints. Posterior tibial veins drain blood from the soles of the feet, ankles, and calf muscles through superficial and peroneal veins. Both move deoxygenated blood toward the heart.
Peroneal Vein
Peroneal veins are located alongside the fibula bone, deep in the lower leg. They collect blood from the outer side of the leg and drain it into the posterior tibia vein.
Superficial Veins of the Leg
Superficial leg veins transport deoxygenated blood from the skin and surrounding tissues to deeper veins. These deeper veins then return the blood to the heart for oxygenation. The main superficial veins include the great saphenous vein, the small saphenous vein, and the dorsal venous network.
Great Saphenous Vein
The great saphenous vein (GSV) runs from the topside of the foot to the thigh, making it the longest vein in the leg. It drains deoxygenated blood from all parts of the leg into the deep system and then towards the heart.
Small Saphenous Vein
The small saphenous vein is located on the backside of the leg and spans from the lateral side of the ankle to the calf. It accepts deoxygenated blood from the lateral side of the leg and pumps it into the deep system and then towards the heart.
Dorsal Venous Network of the Foot
The dorsal venous network is located on the upper surface of the foot and includes three distinct venous systems: the dorsal venous arch, marginal veins, and the dorsal digital veins. Collectively, they return blood from the foot, to the deep system and towards the heart.
Connecting the Systems: Perforator Veins
Importance in Venous Circulation
Perforator veins pass through deep tissue connecting superficial and deep veins. They carry blood from the superficial layers into the deep venous system, utilizing inner valves to prevent blood pooling. This process ensures efficient blood flow from the legs back to the heart.
Venous Valves: The One-Way Streets of Circulation
Venous valves move blood throughout the veins. When these valves function properly, blood flows smoothly in one direction toward the heart. However, if they malfunction, blood can pool in the veins, leading to complications.
Structure and Function
Each venous valve consists of two thin elastic tissue flaps called cusps. These cusps swing open and closed like a swinging door, allowing or deterring blood flow.
Role in Preventing Blood Backflow
When blood flows toward the heart, venous valves open. However, if the blood starts to flow backward, the flaps close, preventing it. If these valves fail to close, blood can pool in the leg, leading to vein damage.
The Journey of Blood: From Toes to Heart
To begin the journey of blood flow from the toes to the heart, the dorsal venous arch and deep plantar venous arch drain deoxygenated blood from the feet. Next, valves in these veins push the blood upward into the legs, entering the small saphenous vein on the lateral side and the great saphenous vein on the medial side.
Following this, the anterior and posterior tibial veins collect blood from the shin and back of the leg. They then converge in the popliteal region to form the popliteal vein. This vein ascends from behind the knee into the thigh, becoming the femoral vein. Finally, deoxygenated blood flows through the iliac veins into the vena cava and returns to the heart.
Common Vein Problems and Anatomical Considerations
The venous network can fail to function properly for several reasons, typically due to vein valve, wall damage or blockage. The most common issues associated with vein dysfunction are varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, and deep vein thrombosis.
Varicose Veins
When valves in the vein are damaged, blood flow is disrupted, causing the blood to pool. This can result in the vein stretching, swelling, and turning dark in color. Some people describe them as looking ropelike. Although varicose veins can appear anywhere on the leg, they are often located by the calf muscle.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) occurs when venous valves cannot push blood towards the heart. This leads to blood pooling and troubling symptoms such as varicose veins, edema, leg pain, and ulcers.
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot located within a deep vein. When blood pools in the vein due to injury, inactivity, or illness, it can clot, leading to pain and swelling. In severe cases, a deep vein blood clot can break away and travel to the lung, resulting in a pulmonary embolism.
Evaluation and Treatment
The doctors at Metro Vein Centers specialize in diagnosing and treating chronic venous insufficiency (a.k.a. "vein disease"). Most cases can be addressed with minimally invasive procedures, and most patients begin seeing results in as little as a week.
If you have concerns about your vein health, book a free consultation with one of our vein specialists to discuss your symptoms and treatment options.
Importance of Leg Vein Anatomy in Vascular Health
The structure of leg veins plays a crucial role in vascular health, Understanding a patient's venous anatomy is crucial in the physicians' ability to accurately diagnose issues within these veins.
Vein mapping is essential when looking to understand the health of a person's veins. This technique allows physicians to pinpoint blood clots and faulty valves. Furthermore, a comprehensive understanding of the leg vein network is critical for customizing treatments and improving patient outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do exercise and muscle contractions affect leg vein function?
When a leg muscle contracts, it applies pressure to deep veins in the leg, pumping blood upward, towards the heart.
2. What role do genetics play in the anatomy of leg veins?
Genetics influence the structure, functioning, and strength of the veins.
3. Can the anatomy of leg veins change over time?
Yes, over time, the vein walls and valves can weaken, leading to poor blood flow and the appearance of varicose or spider veins.
4. How does pregnancy affect the anatomy and function of leg veins?
During pregnancy, increased blood flow adds pressure on veins in the legs, and hormonal changes can cause vein walls to relax. This can lead to leg swelling and the development of varicose veins in some women.
5. What's the difference between leg vein anatomy in athletes versus sedentary individuals?
Athletes' leg veins are more extensive than those in sedentary individuals. They also have superior blood drainage due to increased demand during exercise.

Dr. Philip LoPresti
Meet Dr. Philip LoPresti DO, DABVLM, FACS, a board-certified vein specialist and surgeon with over 20 years of experience. Schedule an appointment with him in Queens, NY today.
Meet Dr. Philip LoPrestiTrusted insight from the nationally accredited, board-certified vein doctors at Metro Vein Centers.